Frequently Asked Questions

Question: If I’m not an entrepreneur is this workshop still for me?   

Answer: Even if you do not currently consider yourself to be an entrepreneur, you were nominated by your dean to attend this workshop because you have demonstrated a commitment to solving real-world problems and are constantly working towards innovating within your research, teaching, and/or practice. Therefore, we consider you a budding entrepreneur and you will benefit from the content and skills shared in this workshop.

Question: What do past workshop participants like most about the workshop?

Answer: Workshop participants have enjoyed 1) connecting with other faculty leaders from across the University; 2) giving and receiving feedback on specific faculty projects; 3) receiving high-quality professional development that would otherwise be difficult to find/attend, and 4) understanding the innovation and entrepreneurship resources that UNC and Innovate Carolina offers.

Question: I’ve heard of design thinking before and know that it is taught many different ways. Which version of design thinking will the workshop focus on?

Answer: Indeed, there are many versions of design thinking out there. We will be working with the human-centered design process put forth by IDEO, the world renowned design firm. An overview of their mindsets, methods, and case studies can be previewed here.


Question: I already have a product/service that is ready for launch/commercialization. What will I get out of this workshop?

Answer: Design thinking can be applied to solve problems at any stage of the development or launch process. Design thinking’s processes, set of mindsets, and tools can be readily applied to improve the product or service itself, strengthen its launch (e.g. go-to-market strategy), or increase its sustainability in the real world.


Question: I’m not able to make all three days of the workshop due to prior commitments. Can I still attend the days that I can?

Answer: We strongly believe that the workshop will be most beneficial to faculty members who engage with the content and other faculty leaders from across campus, but we understand that this may not be feasible. In these cases, we will review your situation and determine if we can make an accommodation without disrupting the experience for other attendees. 


Question: If I want to pursue design thinking training/professional development outside of the Chancellor’s Faculty Innovation Workshop, how much would it cost?

Answer: Costs vary depending on the organization/company conducting the training but it often costs thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to conduct a three-day hands-on experience like the one we have designed for this year’s workshop participants.


Question: If I attend the workshop, am I expected to use design thinking in my future research, teaching, or practice?

Answer: We are confident that you will apply mindsets or tools from the workshop to your future work even if you do not apply the entire process from start to finish. This is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged as we build a stronger culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across our campus.