Cadre VR hopes to be in the next phase of VR revolution

March 25, 2019
By Brock

Story by Jackson Liu

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Almost eight years ago, William Frasca graduated from UNC-Wilmington with a degree in film studies. Since then, he has been trying to find the right balance between art and business.

Currently serving as the associate director of multimedia for the Kenan-Flager Business School at UNC Chapel Hill, Frasca launched Cadre VR as part of Launch Chapel Hill’s 11th cohort.

Frasca said that advancing technology in the virtual reality field had given him opportunities to implement his ideas and explore more. 

“I found that camera format was the biggest inhibitor for most people who were about to get into VR because the cameras were very expensive and workflow was very cumbersome and you needed very powerful computers to get anything done,” Frasca said. “But in 2018, the price in the VR technology dropped and workflow had simplified and I saw an opportunity to get into the launch program.”

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