Your ideas make an impact. Now show it.

Data is the common language that binds every organization. How do the leaders of I&E programs at Carolina – and the University as a whole – understand how growing volumes of innovation-related data add up? What does our data say about the social and economic impact of that Carolina innovators and entrepreneurs make for North Carolina and across the world?

To answer those questions, Innovate Carolina’s team of data and information management experts have developed the most advanced platform of university innovation and entrepreneurship-focused databases in the country to measure and report the impact of Carolina’s I&E programs and startup companies. These data systems measure how Carolina’s I&E programs make a difference on campus and in the community – and how Carolina-connected startups drive boost revenue, jobs and the quality of life in local communities and across North Carolina.  

Explore our impact measurement and reporting services

Our innovation impact and reporting team members have an extensive understanding of information research and analysis. They can advise and assist your UNC I&E program on how to collect, manage and report data, while regularly tracking and providing reports to campus units about the economic and social impact of their programs. This team can guide you on developing consistent, meaningful metrics that indicate business or program performance. They also track and can provide insights on the commercial and social success of UNC-affiliated startups affiliated with specific schools and departments – and the entire University.

The metrics and data tracked and published by Innovate Carolina’s impact and reporting team are a foundational element of the University’s I&E engagement strategy. This strategy is built on a technology platform that includes the Innovate Carolina Startups Database, Innovate Carolina Network Database and an I&E impact dashboard. These data management and reporting systems are framed by the UNC-Chapel Hill’s membership in the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ (APLU) Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) Universities Program, which helps universities across the country spur regional economic development.

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Innovate Carolina Startups Database

The Innovate Carolina Startups Database is a novel, proprietary system captures and reports on how the University’s commercial and social ventures make an economic and social impact. The Innovate Carolina Startups Database allows the University to capture key information and data about UNC-affiliated startup companies that are founded by faculty, students, staff and recent alumni.

Innovate Carolina Network Database

The Innovate Carolina Network Database helps the University’s I&E and engagement programs manage applications, membership and alumni participants. Through this database and the related I&E impact dashboard, day-to-day operations of your programs can become more efficient and gain capacity. The database also allows you to easily measure and receive reports on your program outcomes.

I&E Impact Dashboard

The Innovate Carolina I&E Impact Dashboard tells the story of how all the University’s innovation and entrepreneurship efforts benefit the external economy and society at large. You’ll find information about intellectual property, startups, entrepreneurship education, investor programs, and economic impact in North Carolina.
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Innovation and Economic Prosperity Designation

UNC-Chapel Hill is a member of APLU’s Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) Universities Program. Innovate Carolina’s data and reporting services help power our IEP participation as a University that focuses on talent and workforce development, I&E-based economic development, and building community-connected partnerships.

Connect with our team

Our impact and reporting team is available to strategize with you on how to track, measure and report your I&E impact.