
This grant program is intended to advance the development of unlicensed University technologies to a commercially-relevant endpoint. It is anticipated that successful projects will result in a technology that is prepared for commercial engagement and preferably licensing.


  • Technologies must be patentable or otherwise licensable as copyright or tangible property
  • Preference will be given to projects with clearly defined endpoints and definitive confirmation that the necessary resources are available to complete the project
  • Projects should be completed within a one-year timeframe
  • Grants may not be used to fund basic research that is not linked to a commercial application
  • Funds may not be used to cover patenting costs

Examples of eligible projects

  • Establishment of application or proof-of-concept
  • Prototype development
  • Technology validation in a model of commercial interest
  • Addressing specific questions or suggested improvements from potential licensees
  • Meaningfully improving intellectual property related to a technology

Funding levels

Most grants range from $5,000 to $25,000. Funding levels vary depending upon the technology and strength of the proposal.

How to apply

Proposals should be submitted to Kelly Parsons, Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) for consideration. Please include the following information as part of the proposal:

  1. Inventor contact information – Include collaborators and/or use of external service providers.
  2. Project description – Identify the applicable Report of Invention (ROI) and provide the following information as part of your proposal:
    • Describe your innovation.
    • Outline the solution or improvement that your innovation provides.
    • Describe the advantages over existing solutions.
  3. Specific Aims – Describe the work that will be done and provide a timeline with milestones for completion.
  4. Outcome and Impact – Describe the anticipated outcome and how it will further the University’s ability to commercialize the technology (identifiable GO/NO GO endpoints are preferred)
  5. Budget – Budget and budget justification.


The Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) will expeditiously review your proposal for funding and contact you with any questions.

If your proposal is selected for funding, representatives from OTC will meet with you to discuss the project and associated milestones. Funding may be tranched for proposals that are more complex and involve higher levels of funding.

Funded programs will be required to provide a 6-month progress update and a final report on the outcome of the project.


For any questions about the OTC Technology Development Grants please contact Michael Kline in OTC.