Sources of funding

PLACE OF DEVELOPMENTUniversityStartup Company
STAGE OF DEVELOPMENTResearchTechnology DevelopmentProduct Development
TYPE OF FUNDINGResearch FundingTranslational Gap FundingInvestment
NIH/NSF GrantsXXKickStart Award Program
Industry partnershipsXXXNIH SBIR/STTR
FoundationsXXXNC IDEA
Lineberger Developmental Funding ProgramXXXXNC Biotech Center Loans
NC TraCS ProgramsXXXCarolina Research Ventures
Gillings Innovations LabsXXXRex Health Ventures
Center for Health Innovation Pilot AwardsXXXXCarolina Angel Network
OTC Technology Development GrantsXXXAngel investors
Eshelman Institute for InnovationXXXVC investors
NC Biotech Center GrantsX

OTC Technology Development Grants

The Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) provides funding to support the development and translation of promising technologies toward commercially relevant products or services. Funding levels up to $50,000 are available and respective eligibility and milestones are determined in partnership with OTC staff.

Eshelman Institute for Innovation

The Eshelman Institute for Innovation has multiple funding tiers to support faculty and staff of the Eshelman School of Pharmacy and professional students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of the School. Innovators outside of the school may also apply in the case of high impact collaborations with faculty of the School.

NCTraCS Pilot Program

Multiple funding opportunities are available to support the translation of research discoveries to practice. Some funding mechanisms require a departmental match.

Gillings Innovation Labs

The Gillings School of Public Health funds the Gillings Innovation Labs research awards to promote the development and translation of technologies and methodologies that provide solutions to public health challenges.

Center for Health Innovation Pilot Awards

The UNC Health Care and UNC School of Medicine Center for Health Innovation provides annual Innovation Pilot Awards to support quality improvement and translational research projects from faculty or employees of the UNC Health System and School of Medicine.

North Carolina Biotechnology Center Grants

Multiple grants, including the Flash Grant and the Translational Research Grant, are available to support the development of inventions and technologies for commercialization.