To initiate an MTA, please submit an online request here. For questions regarding MTAs please see our MTA and CDA information page or e-mail


For CDAs that are related to UNC-Chapel Hill intellectual property, please e-mail and copy the appropriate OTC Commercialization Manager, if known. For all other CDAs please e-mail Industry Contracting at Our MTA and CDA information page has additional information.

Intellectual Property or Licensing Questions

A lead Commercialization Manager is assigned to each UNC-Chapel Hill school, department and institute as a primary point of contact. You will find the appropriate contact for your area in our contacts table.

General Questions

For general questions or inquiries please contact

Royalty Distributions

For questions regarding royalty distributions please contact

Change of Address

If you have moved, please e-mail your new contact information to

Sponsored Research Agreements

All industry sponsored research begins with a UNC-Chapel Hill investigator-initiated submission to one or more of the offices below. If you have general questions regarding how to initiate these types of engagements please e-mail

Office of Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) manages all aspects of the research administration of externally funded research including Proposal Management, Award Management, and Reporting and Cash Management. E-mail:

Industry Contracting

The Industry Contracting team, part of OSP, is responsible for reviewing and executing agreements with industry for sponsored projects, including sponsored research and clinical trial agreements. The team is also responsible for all (industry, federal, non-profit) data use/transfer and research confidentiality agreements as well as other unfunded agreements to support UNC’s research community. E-mail:

Clinical Trials

All industry sponsored clinical trials begin with a UNC investigator-initiated submission to one or more of the offices below. If you have general questions regarding how to initiate these types of engagements please e-mail or contact Christine Nelson, Director of the Office of Clinical Trials (OCT), at 919-843-0832.

Office of Clinical Trials

The Office of Clinical Trials (OCT) serves as a central resource for UNC faculty, staff and departments involved in clinical trials research and for sponsors seeking to conduct clinical trials. E-mail:

Industry Contracting

The Industry Contracting team, part of OSP, is responsible for reviewing and executing clinical trial agreements and subcontracts. OSP also negotiates and executes all (industry, federal or other party) Confidentiality Agreements (CDAs and NDAs) and Data Use Agreements for the entire UNC-Chapel Hill campus. E-mail: