Student. Athlete. Human.

Student-led and athlete-driven, UNCUT is an NC nonprofit organization that provides student-athletes a platform to be their true selves. With a commitment to authenticity, UNCUT allows student-athletes to speak in a way that has not yet been seen at the collegiate level. At our core, we work in the field of mental health. We help student-athletes cope with adversities they may face, which oftentimes are only tangentially related to sports. We help show student-athletes that they are far more than just their sport: they are complete people who are interesting, passionate, and unique.

Presenter: Erin McIndoe, UN student and chief operating officer, UNCUT; Emily Jenkins, UNC student and chief strategist, UNCUT

How to connect:

Email: Erin McIndoe: erin1121@live.unc.edu, Emily Jenkins: ejenkins@unc.edu
Web: uncutchapelhill.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/uncut-chapel-hill
Twitter: @uncut_ch