Yogitha Chareddy

PhD Student
School of Medicine

Yogitha Chareddy is a third-year PhD candidate in the genetics and molecular biology curriculum. Her current research aims to generate and commercialize oligonucleotide-based drugs to target oncogenes. Before she began her doctoral work at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2019, she completed her bachelor’s degree in molecular biology at UC San Diego, where she balanced her time between working in a research laboratory and in several roles in the food industry and non-profit sector. Her interdisciplinary background enabled her to develop leadership skills in multiple fields and shaped her interest in combining her scientific education with practical business knowledge. At Carolina, she has explored this interest through the Graduate Business and Consulting Club as VP of Internal Affairs, the Eship Center Apprentice Program, and CareerWell’s consulting cohort. Upon graduation, she hopes to enter the biotechnology industry in the research and development sector and utilize her cross-disciplinary background to eventually start her own company.